Home Apartment Rentals Seattle Seattle Apt Offers Permanent Housing for Homeless

Seattle Apt Offers Permanent Housing for Homeless

by Daniel E. Fava
apts seattle: seattle trees

apts seattle: seattle trees As a folow up to my article on Seattle apt I found this and wanted to link to  it.

Seattle nonprofit organizaton Downtown Emergency Service Center has proposed a 75-unit Seattle apt complex that would house 75 homeless people in the Seattle area. It will be the 10th such apartment complex in Seattle.

The complex will provide permanent housing for people who have had long periods of homelessness who also have mental health issues. DESC wants to provide them with a place to live and treatment from a licensed mental health facility according to  https://westseattleblog.com/2011/06/details-permanent-housing-for-75-homeless-people-proposed-for-delridge-site.

There are many hurdles to overcome before the Seattle apt project can get underway such as financing, permits, and tax credits.

How about you? Any luck finding a Seattle apt? Comment below.

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[Image credit: 16181925@N00]

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